Liens utiles


With DiveAssure insurance you are covered in the event of:

  • Medical evacuation, repatriation
  • Emergency medical care
  • Diving accident medical care – treatment in hyperbaric chamber
  • Medical care in the event of an accident from doing other sports (full list)
  • Repatriation of deceased
  • Assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Baggage delay, including diving equipment
  • Lost baggage, including diving equipment
  • Personal accidents
  • Emergency evacuation for non-medical reasons (natural disaster, civil arrest, meteorological cause)
  • Sudden and unforeseeable events (death, accident, damage to accommodation, judicial sentence, transport strike or other, traffic accident on your journey to the airport or station, terrorist attack at your destination, job loss).
  • Loss of diving days due to a medical condition or weather conditions
  • Lost passport
  • Flight delay
  • Legal costs.



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